
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment certifies for CO2 Performance Ladder

The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (IenM), is the first Dutch ministry certified for the CO2 Performance Ladder. Undersecretary Sharon Dijksma was awarded the CO2 Aware certificate on Thursday, February 16th. In the past year, the Ministry has achieved a substantial 17 percent CO2 reduction. It aims to be fully climate-neutral by 2030 latest.

Renkum as the first municipality to certify for CO2 Performance Ladder

The town of Renkum became the first municipality in the Netherlands to be awarded the level 3 certification for the CO2 Performance Ladder. Wendy Ruwhof, councillor for sustainability and the environment, was awarded the certificate by Paul Tammer (NCK) and Gijs Termeer (SKAO). Using this sustainability tool, the municipality aims to save on energy and reduce CO2 on a structural basis.

Family business Lomans has 50 percent lower CO2 emissions

Installation business Lomans from Amersfoort is a true family firm. Next year marks their 100th year anniversary. Managed by Paul Lomans (3rd generation), the company is now making their business operations and the chain more sustainable. One of their implemented measures is the use of the CO2 Performance Ladder.

CO2 Performance Ladder: Cut Emissions, Save Costs and Win Business

Reducing your companys CO2 emissions is not optional, especially if you operate in the EU. The CO2 Performance Ladder is a tool that helps companies in improving their environmental and business performance. In this interview, Brian Heikamp, Project Manager at The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business, explains the tool and the benefits of using it.

Publication Procurement Guide Version 3.0

This Guide is focused on contracting authorities (public ordering party) who want to focus on sustainable purchasing and are considering applying the MEAT Criterion CO2 Performance Ladder in tenders under MEAT (Most Economically Advantageous Tender). The described method can also be used by other ordering parties (special sector companies, private ordering parties).

Dialogue and innovation important pillars for CO2 Performance Ladder

This month, the SKAO presented its latest ambitions up to 2018. Top of the list are creating room for innovation and stimulating dialogue between clients and contractors.

Green energy according to the CO2 Performance Ladder

Using green energy is a relatively simple way to reduce a companys CO2 emissions. Many companies therefore opt for this measure. The CO2 Performance Ladder imposes strict demands on what constitutes "green energy", please see Handbook 3.0 for more information. In the questions below, we will provide a brief explanation on what the ladder perceives green energy to be and we expand on key terms.

Dutch Ministry to be certified for CO2 Performance Ladder

The ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment, including implementation offices Rijkswaterstaat and ILT and the agencies PBL and KNMI, will have itself certified for the CO2 Performance Ladder. Initially, the certification process will be for level 3. The CO2 Performance Ladder helps organisations track their carbon footprint and reduce it.

Kornelis Blok, eminent driving force behind the European and international climate policy, uses five areas of development to describe how construction and civil engineering industries can be climate-neutral by 2050. "Ever since the Paris climate conference, energy neutrality has only become more pressing."

BAM recognized again as leader for corporate action on climate change

Royal BAM Group has been identified as a global leader for its actions and strategies in response to climate change and has been awarded a position on the Climate A List by CDP, the international not-for-profit that drives sustainable economies.

Save the date: Innovation Seminar CO2 Performance Ladder

Awarding sustainable leaders: Towards more distinctive projects

On December 9th, the Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business is organising an Innovation Seminar for companies and procurement bodies. The theme of the seminar is Awarding leaders: Towards more distinctive projects.

Workshop CO2 Performance Ladder at Climate Chance summit

From September 26th - 28th the first Climate Chance summit will take place in Nantes, France. This event for non-state actors is dedicated to concrete action.

750th certificate for CO2 Performance Ladder handed over to Covalent

The number of certified companies on the CO2 Performance Ladder continues to grow rapidly. The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) handed over the 750th certificate to Covalent.

Market consultation on purchasing green power for Dutch government

In the next few years the national government wants to buy 70 percent of its green power including certificates (guarantees of origin). The power has to come from wind or solar energy from a number of European countries. The government will buy the remaining 30% from Dutch windparks and solar projects.

OECD highlights CO2 Performance Ladder as best practice for sustainable procurement in report

The OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) is a forum of 34 countries to discuss, study and coordinate social and economic policies. These countries attempt to solve mutual problems and to align international policies.

Climate Paris Agreements require huge investments

The climate targets require a drastic adjustment of our economy, according to a recent study by advisory agency CE Delft. Our current products, machinery and production do not meet the future demands of a low carbon economy and that will involve huge investments and accelerated depreciation of the fossil economy.

Scientific research: COâ‚‚ Performance Ladder doubles COâ‚‚ reduction construction companies

Dr. Martijn Rietbergen of the Utrecht University compared the COâ‚‚ footprint of more than fifty construction companies between 2010 and 2013. His research shows that the COâ‚‚ Performance Ladder is responsible for a strong COâ‚‚ reduction in the construction and civil engineering sector, which is otherwise highly was probably not achieved.

Regardless of what you think, the Ladder works

Construction companies certified for the CO2- Performance ladder achieve an annual 3.2 percent reduction in CO2. Very remarkable, given how the national average has CO2 emissions actually increasing. Half of the energy-saving measures taken by these constructors are a direct consequence of the sustainability tool providing an award advantage. This is the conclusion of research performed by dr. Martijn Rietbergen. De Cobouw followed up on this with an article.

Reduction contribution CO2 Performance Ladder 2016

The board of the Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) has decided to reduce the annual contribution of CO2 Performance Ladder certified companies to the SKAO.

KNVB first sports federation certified for the CO2 Performance Ladder

The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement (SKAO) handed over a certificate for the CO2 Performance Ladder to the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB).

8 reasons to improve the climate impacts of your supply chain

Following the release this week of a report that showed that even green-minded multinationals can struggle to keep tabs on their supply chains carbon footprint, Dexter Galvin of CDP — one of the organizations behind the report — discusses how and why businesses should be looking at where they are buying as well as where they are selling.

Save the date: Event 5th anniversary SKAO

The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) is celebrating its fifth year! Thats why SKAO is going to celebrate its birthday with a inspirational event. The event will take place on April 6 in TivoliVredenburg in utrecht. The theme for the day: five years of working together to reduce CO2.

Doctoral research on the CO2 Performance Ladder

Martijn Rietbergen graduated for his PhD on November 20, 2015 at the New Energy lectureship. His doctoral research was on the effectiveness of public and private policy for energy saving, such as the long-term agreements on energy saving, CO2 Performance Ladder and energy labels for buildings. 

> You can read the complete doctoral research here.
> An update of the article Improving energy and carbon management in construction and civil engineering companies – Evaluating the impacts of the CO2 Performance Ladder in the thesis has been published in an updated version. Read and refer to the updated version of the article.

Side Event international potential for CO2 Performance Ladder on COP21 Paris

On Friday December 4th SKAO organised an official Side Event on the COP21 in Paris, about the international potential for the CO2 Performance Ladder and possible strategies for international rollout.


Side event on CO2 Performance Ladder during Climate Conference Paris

In December 2015, world leaders will meet in Paris to make global agreements on tackling climate change. Negotiations during the climate convention will discuss new CO2 emission targets for the year 2030. The CO2 Performance Ladder is on the agenda of climate conference.

ProRail remains fully committed to CO2 reduction

Since early this year, ProRail (Dutch Railway infrastructure owner) received a level 5 certificate for the CO2 performance ladder. ProRail is aware that achieving this highest step is an achievement, but remaining on top is the real challenge.