
750th certificate for CO2 Performance Ladder handed over to Covalent

The number of certified companies on the CO2 Performance Ladder continues to grow rapidly. The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) handed over the 750th certificate to Covalent.

Covalent is a consulting and software company in the infrastructure and real estate working field. Using the CO2 performance ladder they have developed and implemented a policy that aims to reduce CO2 emissions from its operations.

Energy consumption

Covalent made measures on the energy consumption at the office, fuel and advisory services. The fuel consumption of the consultants will be monitored and mutually arranged. Furthermore the lighting was replaced in the office building. By climbing the ladder a significant step is made towards further reducing CO2 emissions within the activities of Covalent, but also toward the partners in the chain.

Market initiative

The  performance ladder, an initiative from the market is an important incentive for more companies in various sectors to make sustainability specific. With the CO2 Performance Ladder companies are encouraged to save energy.