Pool of experts

Part of requirement 4C1, which only applies to large organizations, is that the organisation at management level conducts a dialogue with an NGO or expert at least twice a year about the ambition of the CO2 reduction target and the strategy of the organization and its projects. The purpose of the critical dialogue is to assess whether the theme actually has priority within the management of the organization and to make suggestions for improvement and picking up new topics.


To facilitate this dialogue, SKAO establishes a pool of experts from which organisations can choose an expert if desired. However, it is also possible for a company to nominate an expert for this pool to SKAO. See the procedure and criteria for this.

Inspiration list: This document is an Inspiration list for the Experts or NGOs for conducting a dialogue with large organisations (CO2 Performance Ladder requirement 4C1). This document is not normative and can be used as inspiration for the dialogue. An expert cannot therefore oblige organizations to provide certain documents or the like.

In the context of uniformity, SKAO assumes a rate per call of a maximum of € 600, based on half a day's work. For the specific text about the dialogue, we refer to Handbook 3.1 (Dutch only, requirement 4.C.1 from page 74).

Pool of experts

Michel Davidts Consultant renewable energy, electrical-Mobility and charging infrastructure

Michel is active within the field of renewable energy in both Belgium and Europe. An independent consultant with in-depth knowledge of both the regulatory and technological aspects, Michel is an expert in reducing CO2 emissions through local production of solar, wind, charging infrastructure, storage, methanisation, combustion and heat pumps. Michel also has extensive experience in formulating procurement strategies for the energy needed that cannot be produced locally.

Frank De Mulder Independent consultant - Ensomme bv Manager-Advisor at Bopro nv

Previously active as director of environmental policy at the Province of East Flanders. Currently process supervisor complex projects and sustainability and transition projects - process supervision spatial projects.

Monique Voogt SQ Consult, Managing director en co-founder Sustainable Quality (SQ) Consult

Worked in various roles in sustainable energy and climate advice, for example as a researcher at the University of Twente and at the ECN, and as director of energy and climate strategy at Ecofys.
Expertise: Sustainable energy and climate change

Luc de Bock Senior researcher and technology advisor at BRRC (Belgian Road Research Centre)

As a researcher and consultant at the independent research centre for road construction in Belgium. Working around many aspects of road construction and environment, focusing on circularity and sustainability. 

Expertise: sustainability of asphalt and concrete. Sector-specific expert on road construction.

Andre Nijhof Professor Sustainable Business and Stewardship, Nyenrode Business Universiteit

André Nijhof studied technical business administration at the University of Twente and obtained his PhD at the same university in the field of organisational change around social issues. After his PhD, he worked for 6 years as a senior consultant on integrated management systems, chain sustainability and corporate social responsibility, and chaired the Network Business Ethics Netherlands. Since 2016, André has been professor of Sustainable Business & Stewardship at Nyenrode Business University. He provides executive education such as Finance in Transition and the CSR Expedition, runs in-company programmes such as Frontrunners in Stewardship, and leads teaching courses on sustainability and innovation in Nyenrode's BSc, MSc, MBA and governance programmes. This teaching builds on his research on sustainable market transformation in various sectors and how frontrunners embed social commitment in an organisation's core processes.

Nele de Belie Professor and director of the Magnel-Vandepitte Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Building Materials, Ghent University

Nele heads the "concrete and environment" research group, which studies the sustainability and environmental impact of the material concrete. This also includes the study of alternative binders in the context of a circular economy.

Expertise: durability and sustainability of concrete

Hans Kröder International Expert Sustainability

Hans Kröder is an international sustainability expert and has guided more than seventy organizations in the private and public sector towards a sustainable strategy and its implementation. Hans was directly involved in the worldwide development of ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility and ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement and since early 2019 in a new international guideline for 'Circular Economy'. He developed the CO2 reduction pillar for the National Sustainability Institute, based on ISO 14064 and the CO2 Performance Ladder.
Expertise: CSR, MVI, Circular Economy, GRI, from strategy to implementation

Niels van Geenhuizen Sustainability Leader at Arcadis

Niels has many years of experience in making organizations more sustainable, both in the Netherlands and internationally. He knows how to recognize and remove resistance internally. He knows how to shape sustainability on a strategic level in an ambitious but realistic way, always with a direct connection to how you can implement this in the workplace. Niels translates the sustainability policy of organizations into concrete policies and measures that have a positive impact on the environment, people and the business case. In addition, Niels is very active in the field of sustainable mobility within the business community of the Netherlands from his former role within Anders Reizen (chairman) and De Reisbeweging (board member) and from those roles was also involved in the Climate Agreement (member of the Business Mobility sub-table). You can ask Niels for generic sustainable themes based on his years of experience as a sustainability leader within Arcadis or more specifically about sustainable mobility, sustainable operations, sustainable construction, sustainable area development or energy transition.

Michaël Steenbergen Assistant Professor/Universitair Docent Dynamics & Durability of Structural Interfaces, TU Delft

Michaël works for the Railway Engineering Group of the Technical University of Delft (TU Delft) and has a leading role in technical innovations of the European railway sector. The research that he conducts with his team members is interdisciplinary (involves important fields such as dynamics, contact mechanics, tribiology and metallurgy). The research is governed by the life-cycle-proof design concept and focuses on the physics behind asset management. The implementation of this study within the railway systems are diverse. Michaël is a known expert within the international railway sector, and owns an MSc and PhD - both cum laude - from the TU Delft.

Geert Bergsma Manager Life Cycle Analysis department at CE Delft

As a manager of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) projects within CE Delft, Geert is responsible for the acquisition and management of projects as well as stakeholder diologs. Geert is an expert of LCA studies involving products, materials and packaging. Moreover, he is an expert of LCA of food products, sustainable waste management systems and he is knowledgeable in sustainability, bioenergy and biofuel. Geert works with governmental institutions, NGOs and industries. 

Expertise: Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

Elske van de Fliert Expert sustainable mobility

Founder of the CO2 slimming program for fleet and mobility. Expert in the field of greener, cleaner and smarter driving. Since 2004 engaged in the field of sustainability, since 2007 specifically in the field of vehicle fleet and mobility.

Expertise : sustainable mobility

Michel van Gorp Independent energy and environment advisor

Onafhankelijk en door de Vlaamse overheid erkend milieuadviseur (milieucoördinator A) en ex-docent aan de Karel de Grote Hogeschool (Onderwijsgroep Management & Technologie) te Antwerpen. Jarenlang gastdocent aan de Universiteit Antwerpen (Instituut voor Milieu en Duurzame Ontwikkeling - IMDO). Daarvoor werkzaam bij de Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers (UNIZO).
Expertise: milieu, bedrijfsinterne milieuzorg, MVO, duurzame bedrijfsstrategieën.

Serge de Gheldere Founder and CEO

Founder and CEO of Futureproofed, climate ambassador at The Climate Project for Al Gore, council member of the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Efficiency Forum and co-founder of the Climate business in Belgium.
Expertise: Serge has a very broad strategic knowledge of energy and climate.

Wim Turkenburg Professor Emeritus Science, Technology & Society at Universiteit Utrecht

Former director of Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. Also board member ECN International Energy Initiative, ipcc, ETC.
Expertise: Energy and the environment, including climate change caused by people.

Frans Rooijers Director CE Delft

Working at CE Delft since 1990. First as an energy advisor / researcher and from 1999 as director. Before that, energy coordinator at the Velsen municipality. He studied Electrical Supply at TU Delft.
Expertise: Electricity supply, energy in the built environment, government instruments

Dian Phylipsen Phylipsen Climate Change Consulting / SQ Consult

Prior to that, Dian worked at Ecofys in various roles in the field of climate change and energy.
Expertise: climate change, energy, industrial energy efficiency, emission trading

Mirjam Harmelink Harmelink Consulting / SQ Consult

Previously worked in the field of energy and climate as a program manager at Utrecht energy at the municipality of Utrecht, unit manager and senior consultant at Ecofys, program manager at SenterNovem and researcher at the RIVM.
Expertise: climate policy, sustainable energy, energy efficiency, (sustainable) heat

Kornelis Blok Professor of Energy Systems Analysis at TU Delft and lead author at the United Nations Climate Panel (IPCC)

Previously he worked among other things as founder and director of consultancy firm Ecofys and as professor of sustainable energy at Utrecht University. He also played an important role in the development of a European and international climate policy.

Expertise: all-round energy expert, energy efficiency improvement, sustainable energy production

Frits Wuts Performance Ladder consultant

Previously CSR manager and responsible for maintaining the CO2 Performance ladder of InTraffic and ICT Group nv

Expertise: knowledge in setting up and maintaining the CO2 Performance Ladder, design and implementation of chain analyzes, progress reports, sustainability tooling, knowledge of EEDs, Ecovadis etc.

Sector-specific expert for ICT

Diane Zandee Program Manager Sustainability & Finance -Nyenrode Business University; zelfstandig consultant

Diane Zandee is internationaal expert in het begeleiden van bedrijven bij de transitie naar duurzaamheid en de circulaire economie. Zij helpt met strategie, veranderingsprocessen en sturing van organisaties. Diane is deeltijd verbonden aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit, waar zij haar onderzoek richt op 'besluitvorming en de financiële uitdagingen van de circulaire economie'. In haar onderwijs aan Nyenrode houdt zij zich bezig met meervoudige waardecreatie, risicomanagement en duurzame transities, onderwerpen binnen de financiële en executive opleidingen, die goed aansluiten bij haar eigen achtergrond als registercontroller. 

Expertise: circulaire economie, businessmodellen, waardecreatie, risicomanagement, governance en transities.

Vincent Swinkels Zelfstandig consultant bij VS Sustainable Strategy / SQ Consult

Vincent Swinkels is een ervaren consultant op het gebied van klimaat, energie en duurzaamheid. Hij heeft een brede kennis opgebouwd van duurzaamheidsvraagstukken in verschillende sectoren: energie, industrie, infrastructuur en de gebouwde omgeving.

De afgelopen jaren heeft hij onder meer het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en Rijkswaterstaat ondersteund bij ontwikkeling en uitvoering van programma’s om infrastructuurprojecten circulair en klimaatneutraal te maken.

Voor SKAO is hij betrokken bij verbeteringen van de CO2-Prestatieladder, de wijze van aanbesteden met de Ladder en bij de ontwikkeling en update van de Maatregellijst.

Vincent is Ir. Industrieel Ontwerpen (TU Delft) en heeft een MBA in Strategisch Milieumanagement (Universiteit van Amsterdam).

Adriaan van Engelen Directeur Stichting Stimular - De werkplaats voor duurzaam ondernemen

Adriaan van Engelen werkt sinds 1994 bij Stimular als adviseur en directeur. Heeft een technische achtergrond (TU Twente) en ervaring met het begeleiden bedrijven met duurzaam ondernemen in diverse branches. Denk aan bedrijven in de metaal, bouw, installatie, kunststof, automobiel, bakkerijen, vleesverwerkers, wasserijen, tuinbouw, handelsbedrijven, logistiek en de zorgsector. 

Daarnaast is Adriaan conceptontwikkelaar voor programma’s voor duurzaam ondernemen, monitoren van benchmarks, milieukeurmerken en de energietransitie. 

Adriaan maakt graag moeilijke vraagstukken simpel en behapbaar om zo de ambities voor duurzaam ondernemen beter uit te dragen en te verhogen.

Paul van de Lande Independent consultant/researcher at Amsterdam Consultants and TNO

Paul van de Lande has worked as a logistics, traffic and transport consultant for a number of different consultancies and agencies since 1986. He has a technical background in logistics, but his work experience has also given him an affinity for complex policy issues in the traffic and transport sector. The relationship between transport and logistics, spatial development and sustainability is one of the spearheads of Paul's experience and interest. From the Amsterdam Consultants partnership, Paul works with various organisations for various public and private clients. Economic, technical, spatial and sustainability aspects are jointly addressed in many of the projects Paul has carried out.