Register for the Procura+ Conference training

"Implementing the CO₂ Performance Ladder"

Inspired by the Procura+ conference to get started with low-carbon procurement, but wondering how?

The CO₂ Performance Ladder is an easy and proven effective tool to make procurement more sustainable. By incentivising CO₂ reduction among contractors with a notional discount on the tender, organisations can procure in a socially responsible manner. There’s more than 15 years of experience with the tool in the Netherlands and the Ladder is currently being implemented in several countries.

What you'll learn

In this training ‘Implementing the CO₂ Performance Ladder’, you will:

  • dive deep into the content of the tool;
  • hear practical examples;
  • develop a plan to implement the CO₂ Performance Ladder in your organisation’s procurement;
  • learn about the support to do so offered by the owners of the tool, SKAO, and partners.

This Agora training will take place March 14th, directly after the Procura+ Conference from 14.30-16.30 in the Agora room.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Register for the training