
Introduction Measurements list for the CO2 Performance Ladder

The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) today launched a meausurement list on its website. The Measurement List is a comparison basis for CO2 efficiency and reduction measures for companies operating in the same market and are similar in activity. In the Measurement List Handbookl 3.0 is required as part introduced to requirement 3B1.

The measurement List was introduced to assess ambitions and reduction targets for companies. The list helps companies and gives the Certification Body insight into the relative position of the company in the industry. A Measure Table is also used as a tool in assessing your goals and plan the demands 3B and 4B. Completing the Action List is required, but individual measures are not mandatory. A certification body may not require a specific measure.

Use Action List and restyled website

You can get started with the Action List after you login to the website of the SKAO. The SKAO also updated its website this summer. If you log in as a certified company, you will see that it is different and customized for your convenience. If you have questions or comments about the new website, you can contact [email protected]