
Billion-euro project: making the Antwerp Ring round again and bringing it into harmony with its surroundings.

In Antwerp, the ring road around the city is being made circular, complete with underground (and stacked) tunnels. The CO2 performance ladder was used for this gigantic project, but not in the way it is usually done. It was quite a challenge. Nevertheless, the management company Lantis hopes that the Ladder will contribute to making the multi-billion project as sustainable as possible. 

PosadMaxwan obtains 1200th certificate for the CO2 Performance Ladder

During the event of the Ministry of Economic Affairs on January 27, urban planners PosadMaxwan were awarded the 1200th certificate for the CO2 Performance Ladder. "We are of course very proud of that," says Shirley Voermans, CO2 Project Leader and office manager and associate at the company. She and Froukje van de Klundert, designer and associate, talk about the role of the CO2 Performance Ladder in PosadMaxwan's sustainability goals and activities.

Transitioning to Green Government Procurement Practices Could Cut 15% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Public sector procurement activities are directly or indirectly responsible for 15% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, seven times the amount emitted by the entire aviation industry, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum and Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Around the world, the study finds, governments currently spend $11 trillion—or 15% of global GDP—on procurement every year, making the transition to green public procurement crucial for reaching net zero.

Sustainable superstructure renewal of industrial estate and yard tracks

For Charlotte Pars of ProRail, it is clear: as a contracting authority, you must use the influence you have to contribute to a more sustainable world. She shows that this can be done with little effort. For procuring entities which have perfected the basics, like ProRail, there are chances that require courage to take, but which also have the potential to achieve more results. In concrete terms, ProRail allows contractors to contribute to the design of projects and even to the standards that must be met. ‘By using the contractor's expertise, we can make more sustainable choices.’

Public procurement for the port of Antwerp awarded with the CO2 Performance Ladder

Several pilot projects are currently taking place in Belgium in which a CO2 Performance Ladder certificate yields an award advantage in the procurement. One of those projects is the renovation of the Scheldelaan in Antwerp. What role did the CO2 Performance Ladder play in that project? And what sustainability actions were taken?

‘The CO2 Performance Ladder has enormous potential to make an impact in Europe'

The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) aims to accelerate CO2 reduction in Europe by stimulating sustainable procurement through the CO2 Performance Ladder. How are they going to do that? Maud Vastbinder (project manager) and George Thurley (project officer) tell us all about the ambitions of the CO2 Performance Ladder in Europe.

Van Oord: 'Consistent sustainability goals across Europe would help us enormously'

Van Oord is working hard to make its often heavy equipment, such as excavators and large dredgers more sustainable. However, to accelerate the pace international cooperation and shared sustainability goals are crucial.

RAW framework agreement for extraordinary maintenance of polder and dyke embankments

It has been a procurement requirement at the Delfland Water Board (Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland, HHvD) to use the CO2 Performance Ladder as an award criterion since 2018, in tenders where this is applicable and proportionate. This also applies to the RAW framework agreement for extraordinary maintenance of polder and dyke embankments, an agreement that runs until 2024. Chris Borst, contract manager at the Water Board, explains how he used the Ladder differently in his tender and shares his ideas on sustainable procurement.

Glasgow offers hope for breakthrough in global climate approach

Sible Schöne is critical of Glasgow’s outcomes, but does see steps in the right direction between the lines.

How does a fruit and vegetable wholesaler reduce its CO2 footprint?

Smeding & Zoon recently obtained a level 3 certificate of the CO2 Performance Ladder. But the fruit and vegetable wholesaler is concerned with sustainability in many more ways. From the fight against food waste to sustainable collaborations with partners. The family business has a simple (and sober) reason for its sustainable efforts: 'It just saves euros.'

This is how it goes with the certification of ministries

In October, the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) and Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) obtained the certificate for the CO₂ Performance Ladder on level 3. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) already preceded them and is now on level five. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) is also looking forward to level 3 certification in early 2022 and is already preparing level 4.

All Dutch ministries will implement the CO2 Performance Ladder

All Dutch ministries are getting started to use the CO2 performance ladder. It helps ministries to achieve the government-wide objective: climate-neutral business operations by 2030.