
Finco Fuel tempts the market with cleaner fuels

Fuel supplier Finco Fuel has recently obtained a level 3 certificate on the CO2 Performance Ladder. What drives an organization that also transports fossil fuels to aim for sustainability? And how did this organization manage to implement the requirements of the Ladder? Kirsten Barnhoorn (director FinCo Renewables) speaks.

The province of Gelderland is the first Dutch government at the top the CO2 Performance Ladder

The province of Gelderland is the first government organization to be certified for level 5 on the CO2 Performance Ladder. Deputy Jan Markink received the certificate on Monday 28 September 2020. The province aims to be a climate neutral organization by 2030.

KWS aspires to 100 percent circular infrastructure by 2040

Schiphol Trade Park, a special project in North Holland by area developer SADC :. The project is full of sustainable and circular practical examples, initiated by contractor KWS in collaboration with SADC. The company is level 5 certified on the CO2 Performance Ladder. What measures have been taken on the project and how does KWS work on sustainability and circularity?

More than a fifth less CO2 emitted in the second quarter of 2020

CO2 emissions from Dutch economic activities were 21.1 percent lower in the second quarter than in the same quarter of 2019. According to the first calculation, gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 9.3 percent in the same period. The decrease in CO2 emissions is partly due to the fact that the energy companies used less coal in their production.

The CO2 Performance Ladder has potential as a successor to the MJA3 covenant

This conclusion is drawn in a study conducted by Arcadis on behalf of the Climate Friendly Procurement & Business Foundation (SKAO) and the Union of Water Boards.

Long-term impact of COVID-19 on CO2 emissions dependent on ‘greenness’ of recovery packages

The COVID-19 pandemic has a substantial impact on socio-economic activities and energy use, and therefore on CO2 emissions. For the short term, in the case of prolonged lockdowns worldwide until the end of 2020, a global CO2 emission reduction of 8%, compared to 2019, is estimated, based on data and projections of the IEA and Global Carbon Project.

Procedure for delayed audits due to COVID-19

The current situation with the Corona virus means that, in some cases, planned audits, including for the CO2 Performance Ladder, cannot be carried out on location. As an accredited scheme, SKAO refers to the latest version (April 7, 2020) of the explanatory document ( T051 ) that the Accreditation Council has published on its website for such situations.

VNG webinar: certification for the CO2 Performance Ladder in 2020

On 24 September, the VNG will start again with a new group of municipalities for the project acceleration of CO2 Performance Ladder level 3 for municipalities.

Contact with SKAO during COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, SKAO works with fewer people in the office, which means that we are less accessible by telephone than you are used to from us.

VenhoevenCS aims for a future-proof city

VenhoevenCS goes for future-proof VenhoevenCS architecture + urbanism is the first architectural firm with a level 5 certificate on the CO2 Performance Ladder. Because the organization has been working on sustainability across the board for years, there is a lot of in-house experience and the organization dares to think big. What will cities look like in 50 years? Helga Lasschuijt, General Manager and CO2 manager of the organization, gives her vision on this and explains the role CO2 reduction and circularity play in this development.

Network Tendering CO2 Performance Ladder has started

The Climate Friendly Procurement & Business Foundation (SKAO) has set up a network to facilitate contracting authorities in using the CO2 Performance Ladder. The idea of the Network is that contracting authorities learn from each other and inspire each other about the possibilities of using the Ladder as a tendering instrument.

Training CO2 Performance Ladder for consultants

Another training "CO2 Performance Ladder for consultants" will take place on 23 September and 16 December. This time the training is based on the recently published Handbook 3.1 and is given by Stichting Stimular and with a contribution from SKAO. As a consultant, would you like to (better) guide organizations in using the CO2 Performance Ladder? Then this training is meant for you.